
#IamASCLS Jennifer Knight

By Andrea Hickey posted 06-20-2016 17:36



-Name and hometown:  Jennifer Knight, Madison, Mississippi

-How would you describe yourself as a person? Quiet, easy-going & empathetic but not a push-over.  If I've learned anything as a parent, a Program Director and a Lab Manager it's this: pick your battles and stand your ground.  People will respect your integrity and reliability if you do.

-Job title/specialization? Laboratory Manager is my official title, but I am also the Program Director for our School of Medical Laboratory Science.

-What got you into the field of Clinical Laboratory Sciences?  I knew I wanted to be in the medical field, but not quite as close to patients as a nurse or physician.  When I discovered this field, I knew it was right for me.

-What has been the highlight of your career thus far?  Being chosen as ASCLS-MS Educator of the Year in 2011 was an amazing moment for me.  I've
always loved the education side of what I do, and being honored with this award was just - wow!

-What makes you diverse?  I've worn a lot of different hats in this field over the last 20 years - bench tech, safety coordinator, quality manager,
staff educator and now program director & laboratory manager.  I encourage my students to be a generalist for awhile until they figure out what they
really like to do.  Then I tell them - go do it!  There are so many opportunities in this field - it's incredible.

-How has ASCLS impacted you? I love the "behind the scenes" aspect of this field, but being a part of ASCLS has shown me how important it is to step
outside my comfort zone and speak up on behalf of my profession.  We are a vital part of patient care & our voice needs to be heard.

-What is your favorite part about the job?  Absolutely, it's the people - I love my students & my staff.  I've been Program Director since 2002, and
getting to know a new group of students every year is so much fun.  And since we hire as many graduates as we can, I get to watch a lot of them
grow & mature in their careers.  It's very rewarding.  I've been Lab Manager since 2011, and I have learned so many things.  I walk through the
lab every morning and stop to chat with folks.  My staff teach me how to be a better manager everyday.

-Your biggest achievements or proudest moments, both in your career and normal life: I have a proud moment each year when I see a group of students graduate & start their career!  And I love it when my staff learn new skills, achieve a certification or just try a process change.  I think my
biggest achievement so far has been managing to balance my roles as program director, lab manager, wife & mom.  I have a wonderful husband, 13-year-old daughter & 8-year-old son.  We are fairly avid cyclists (road bike & mountain bike), and I'd say one of my biggest personal achievements was
biking 50 miles up the Natchez Trace last summer with my husband.

-In your eyes, why should people join ASCLS? This organization works very hard to promote patient safety, to educate the public about laboratory
medicine and to promote our profession, and I think we should all support that.  I'm proud to be an ASCLS member.

