Q: How do I access the sessions?
A: In early April you will be given the URL to the website for the Virtual Joint Spring Seminar. Each session will have a link that will be active when the live presentation is scheduled.
Q: What platform will the meeting be held on?
A: The meeting will be held on the Zoom Webinar platform. To prepare for watching the sessions, please follow the instructions on the documents: Instructions for Joining. These instructions will allow you to set up and test your computer ahead of time.
Q: What are the system requirements to watch a Zoom Webinar?
A: There are a number of ways on various computer systems and tablets available to watch the Webinar. The best way to be sure your system is set up and running is to check out the requirements at Zoom System Requirements.
Q: Can I watch the sessions on my tablet?
A: Zoom webinars can be viewed on tablet, but you have to download the Zoom Client from your App store (Play for Android, Apple Store for IOS). The best way to be sure your system is set up and running is to check out the requirements at Zoom System Requirements.
Q: How should I prepare for this?
A: Please do not wait until the day of the session to check out your system. The best way to be sure you are set up is to go to www.zoom.us/test. This allows you to test your audio and video.
Q: What if I can't watch the session live?
A: We are planning to record all sessions. The link will be posted on the same page that the live links were. This link will be posted the weekend after the conference is over. You will be able to view the session and obtain P.A.C.E. credit whether you view it live or recorded. There will be a time limit that the recorded sessions will be available, but you will have adequate time to view the sessions.
Q: Will we have handouts?
A: If a speaker agrees to provide handouts from the session, the link to those handouts will be posted on the Virtual Spring Seminar page. Please remember that a speaker is not required to provide a handout. Some cannot because of company policy.
Q: How will I get my credits?
A: Attendee P.A.C.E. instructions will give you detailed information about how to get your P.A.C.E credits. The session codes will be given out at the end of each session.
Q: How do I record my educational sessions in AMT's AMTrax?
A: The AMTrax Instructions will give AMT members detailed information about recording the educational sessions in AMTrax.